The first important step in the planning phase of a new software project is to set the objectives. Here are the ones that should be achieved for the second version of the “TigerHeart” engine core:
- Classes and interfaces: C++ classes are accessed externally via interfaces similar to COM. Furthermore methods can be called and attributes can be retrieved and modified using special functions (e.g. for script utilization).
- Derivation: It is possible to use existing classes as base for new ones. But those extensions should be accessed by non-derived interfaces.
- Object and library management: TigerHeart manages object creation from classes, which are provided by static and dynamic libraries.
- Data access and storage: Files from directories and archives are loaded and saved using wrappers. Data can be stored into memory and files with a standard interface and compression.
- Meta data: Every class is able to retain user-defined attributes.
- Design: Construction of functions, classes and interfaces happens in XML files, which are transformed into various header, source code, script files and what ever is needed. These files will be enhanced by own code.
Maybe the handling is simplified by an editor later. - Threads: There is a native support for processing on multiple cores.
- x86 / x64: Code has to be compilable to 32 and 64 bit executables for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista. Compatibility with other platforms is optional.